Capturing the Autumnal Colours

On what appears to be a rare day off for me these days I decided when I woke up to head out into the countryside to try and capture some of the lovely orangey autumn colours that are starting to show. 

So, I had originally planned to visit Plessey Woods Country Park in Hartford Bridge, Northumberland although upon arrival I realised it was the school's half term holiday to which there were plenty of cars and families in the car park. 

When I take images and get settled to a location having a lot of people around can often distract me so I opted to leave and drive to a country park closer to home, Druridge Bay which turned out to be a lot less populated - excellent! 

I have so many memories from Druridge Bay Country Park from when I was a kid, walking around the lake or cycling from home, arriving here to have a picnic so the nostalgia started flowing! So with the backpack on and tripod in my hand I set off to hunt for those autumnal scenes.

Unfortunately however the sun failed to shine and instead the moody cloud cover showed leaving me a little disappointed however I still wanted the images! 

Druridge_Bay_Autumn_Panorama_26102016 - Web.jpg

The first photograph I took was a 4-shot panoramic which I'm entitling "Autumnal Lake Viewpoint". I found this composition literally 5 minutes from leaving the car and it definitely shows the beauty of Ladyburn Lake with the browny, orange trees in the background. 

Just as I was leaving this little spot I found a tree just to the right of the scene, alone without any other trees and instantly my composition resistors started pinging. So, I unpacked the camera again and snapped a quick image. 

Finally, I headed down a path which I'd cycled one hundred times over in the search for a distinctive tree. The tree had grown with an iconic "twist" in the trunk and (at least in my mind) was an icon of Druridge Bay! I was shocked to discover that the tree had been cut down however! They did re-plant trees there to grow over the years but I thought they would've at least left that one! 

So, without the tree I had in my mind I attached a wide-angle lens to the camera, lowered the tripod and captured the clique autumnal path photo! And with that, I packed up and headed home for a good old cuppa and edit!